In The Daniel Key, Anne Graham Lotz, daughter to Billy Graham, shares 20 choices you can make to find contentment and peace as you discover a deeper relationship with God. These same choices were made by Daniel, a young Jewish man serving God in a godless society, who was revered by God and saved from lions.
Daniel was honored by God, protected, and trusted. His faith did not waver when he faced those who were against him or even when he confronted hungry lions. How can you have that kind of faith?
Bestselling author Anne Graham Lotz teaches you that Daniel's choices can be your choices—choices such as:
The 20 choices will bring you:
This lovely audiobook makes a thoughtful gift for a friend or loved one. It's ideal for birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or Christmas. Or perhaps it's a gift you can give yourself for your time studying God's Word each day.
With Daniel's model for godly living, you can have the same kind of life-changing faith he did. One where you find contentment in your circumstances and peace in times of trial.